Security Software power player, BMC, needed a new sales tool for Business Development leaders to show how to connect the pillars of modern Security Operations into an Autonomous Digital Enterprise.
Merging the 5 pillars of Information Security Operations into a single Connected Digital Operation, creates the Autonomous Digital Enterprise.
Blending 3D modeling with animation and information, the BMC Skyscraper creates a literal deep dive into how Service Operations, Data Operations, Development Operations, AI Operations, and Autonomous Operations come together into a foundation of Connected Digital Ops.
Organizing the internal team into a Scrum format, Visual Design, 3D Modeling and Code development for the experience into a single funnel of work streams. As a way to facilitate rapid response and communication with the client team twice weekly full team status meetings were implemented as well as cross organizational messaging.
1. Being secure at scale requires a foundation of Connection between the different Operations involved across Information Security disciplines.
A fictional cityscape dominated by BMC’s high security AI-powered Autonomous Digital Enterprise building.
2. Bringing the traditionally siloed Operations become the pillars of strength creating the stable foundation for all Information Security.