Rental Protection

Brand: Zillow

Tenants are not the only ones who need the protection of rental insurance on a rental property. 

Landlords have a need to ensure the property is able to be repaired or lost rent recouped from a less-than-awesome tenant. 

This is where Zillow steps in and offers a product to insure the landlord’s investment beyond a normal homeowner’s policy.

Shepherded from idea to inception, this is the most accomplished I’ve felt from a project. Vendors, Internal Stakeholders, and a Senior Creative team created what one Product Marketing Manager described as “the funniest way to show a value prop I’ve seen.”

Bringing the script and storyboards to life meant bringing in a veteran comedic director, casting talent from the famous comedy troupe The Groundlings, an experience four-legged actor, and a hole house full of bubblewrap.